Thursday, November 4, 2010

DHC Alpha Lipoic Acid
DHC slimming

Description: Positive reinforcement. ALA helps support the regeneration of other antioxidants, including vitamin C and E, to help neutralize free radicals.

Review:  Having seen from magazines that DHC is a very popular health supplement of watsons, i decided to try this products (btw, there is a wide range of products for DHC). I bought this product basically for 2 purposes. The manufacturers claimed that this would improve your skin condition and maintain your weight by speeding up the metabolism rate. so i was thinking,since its a win-win situtation,why not try scroll down to see what i think about it

Before i start, i would first like to give credits to michelin tyre man for being beautifyus guineapig... From the picture above, we can see some changes. I did see some changes in my faces, my complexion definately become fairer but did not really see much improvement in my metabolism rate. In fact, the function of maintaing your weight is just a gimmick for girls to buy this product.
There is also a side effect i felt when taking this product, which was being really thirsty..therefore i suggest drinking lots of water if you are taking this product.
So i guess,this is another product that is up to individual whether to buy it a not. However, i highly doubt that i will buy it again due to it making me so thirsty!!!

Pricing : $25.90 (1 month supply)

Effectiveness : Giving most of the smiley faces for part on the complexion

This product can be bought at all watsons store.

Stay tune for the next update.....
                                                                                                                                                     <3 Jaime

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